Supporting families in their time of need can be a rewarding career for those up for the challenge of planning and conducting one of life’s most significant events.
Our family-owned & operated funeral home in Northam employs dedicated, compassionate and capable people who work well in a team.
Working in a small funeral home offers great variety as you may be called upon to work in other areas when needed. Your duties could include assisting with funerals, vehicle driving & maintenance, mortuary care & transfers, administration, after hours roster and may involve heavy lifting.
Essential Skills: Drivers License, Police Clearance, professional presentation, sensitivity & respect for others, attention to detail, organised, trustworthy, ability to work well in a team and alone.
If you’re interested in helping us create loving farewells please send your resume to or 264 Fitzgerald St Northam WA 6401. Experience is preferred but not essential. Successful applicants will be contacted to discuss a probationary training period. Please call 08 96221411 or email if you have any questions or would like more information.